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The bracelet, the fashionable accessory for men

For a long time, the bracelet was considered an accessory only worn by the female, but many new varieties of bracelets have emerged in the lastdecade.

Today, we invite you to discover different types of bracelets

To put an end to the debate: no, the bracelets are not tacky, on the contrary, they can be worn even in a suit and tie.


Trendhim offers different types of bracelets, including leather, steel, wooden pearl bracelets or a mix of these several materials.

Wearing a bracelet gives a fairly “casual” style while remaining a very elegant and discreet fashion accessory. We are therefore far from metal curb chains with an engraved name, which has been old-fashioned for years.


For a more adventurous style, the paracord bracelet is a must: it is durable, light and very solid since it is composed of thin braided nylon cords, the same as those used for parachutes, hence the name of the bracelet! It will be the ideal fashion accessory for the most daredevil among you.


For lovers of the marine environment, boat enthusiasts or for all others who love the marine style, the anchor bracelet is made for you. It is made of rope reminiscent of the style of boat rope and as its name suggests, an anchor allows you to tie it on your wrist.


Finally, for all those who would like to wear an elegant bracelet discreetly, the new Lucleon braided leather bracelet completed by its stainless steel lock matching the color of the leather is clearly the accessory you need!Stainless steel bracelets are very durable, manly and will fit with most outfits out there.